The developer of virtual reality (VR) customisable media player Whirligig, Phileday, has announced today that Whirligig has finally been launched on the Oculus Store.
In an update on the Whirligig development blog, Phileday said that it had been launched on the Oculus Store on the 15th February. He had so far held back on an official announcement as he had hoped to gather some data and update code and apply fixes on the Oculus platform before making a full announcement. He also revealed he had experienced some problems with the Oculus rejection process.
The 3.96 update also contains quite a bit of new content. Phileday said he had added in the following features:
- Added Keyboard, Vive, Touch mapping.
- Added 6 model types for Touch controls.
- Added new room, tilted dome and flat dome.
- Added Switch Laser for mapping on Vive Controllers.
- All keys disable when Vive dashboard so you can’t accidentally push options.
- Added the ability to map radius/distance to the controllers.
- Updated UMP and AVpro plugins and also looked at changing media foundation to use Unity audio source to allow Oculus headphones to work as default.
- Removed position menu from settings and give it it’s own menu.
- Changed the way the position and zoom system works so that it doesn’t move the menus.
Phileday is still seeking feedback for his media player and is hoping to reduce the time between releases and betas.
VRFocus will have further information on the Whirligig and it’s updates as they are announced.