Download the Free Demo of Eden-Tomorrow for PlayStation VR Today

Originally called EDEN when developer Soulpix first announced the virtual reality (VR) title back in 2015, now the project goes by the name of Eden-Tomorrow and can be downloaded as a free demo via PlayStation Store for PlayStation VR owners.  


An epic sci-fi action adventure which Soulpix states has been inspired by classic science fiction films of the 70‘s and 80‘s, Eden-Tomorrow puts players on a hostile alien world with gigantic dinosaur-like creatures. They play an unnamed character plagued by amnesia after crash landing on this planet, their only companion a small drone called Newton who has a range of different skills to aid your adventure.

Soulpix has kept a lot of what happens quiet as ideas have changed over the course of development. Frank Sennholz, Game-Director, Soulpix does also mention in his PlayStation Blog that the story: ‘also grapples with present-day fears of what could happen if an artificial intelligence gets out of control.’

As for any more clues, well you’ll have to download the demo to find out. It’s not often that studios release a demo ahead of launch, especially when so many years have gone into development, spoiling the surprise. That being said, PlayStation VR users do tend to get treated to demos a little more often, most noticeably this week with the release of PlayStation VR Demo Collection 3 with nine titles in the collection.


It looks like Soulpix has created a massive world for players to explore, mixing in both puzzle elements as well as action when having to deal with giant worms, being attacked by flying creatures or finding themselves right in the middle of a herd of giant Sand Walkers. Eden-Tomorrow could be one of the biggest PlayStation VR titles of 2019.

The free demo of Eden-Tomorrow can be downloaded from the European PlayStation Store now. VRFocus expects a North American version to arrive later today. Soulpix has yet to confirm an actual launch date for Eden-Tomorrow, simply giving a window of Q1 2019, so it can’t be too far away.

As further details regarding Eden-Tomorrow are released, VRFocus will let you know. For now, check out the new trailer below.

PSVR Adventure Eden Tomorrow Getting Free Demo This Month

Eden Tomorrow PSVR adventure puzzle game

Remember Soulpix’s Eden Tomorrow? No? Well, you’ll be able to play it soon all the same.

The developer’s official website confirms that a demo for the PSVR game is coming this month. There’s no final date or details of what the demo will entail, but we’re intrigued. Eden Tomorrow is a game that wowed me when I first saw it at Gamescom nearly four years ago now. Back in 2017, it was confirmed that the game would be coming to PSVR but we haven’t heard from it since. A trailer (seen below) did say it was coming in spring 2018 but obviously that didn’t happen. It looks like 2019 is finally the year we’ll get our hands on it, then.

Soulpix describes Eden Tomorrow as an adventure puzzle game in which players crash land on a strange alien planet. The world is inhabited by giant dinosaurs, some friendly, some less so. You’ll explore the landscape, solving brain teasers and marveling at your new friends. When we played it on an Oculus Rift DK2 we fell in love with the visuals and the experience of meeting some of these beasts up close. You could control three characters, including a human, drone and I think a dog (it may have been an alien dog, it was four years ago).

But we’ve got a lot of questions. How much of the game we played in 2015 is still intact? Why has it taken this long to come out? What controllers will we use – Move or DualShock 4? There’s a lot for us to learn, so we’ve reached out to Soulpix to find out more about the demo. We’ll let you know if we hear back.

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Sci-Fi Dino Adventure Eden Tomorrow Coming to PlayStation VR in 2018

During Sony Interactive Entertainment’s (SIE) Paris Games Week (PGW) 2017 press conference the company showcased a sizzle reel full of upcoming PlayStation VR titles. During the trailer a new videogame was shown for a brief few seconds which featured dinosaur looking creatures on an arid desert world, Eden Tomorrow. Now VRFocus has a few more details to for you to mull over.

Eden Tomorrow is the work of German developer Soulpix, challenging players to survive in a hostile alien world filled with giant creatures, some of which appear more hostile than others. To accompany the announcement the studio has now released a new trailer although it doesn’t exactly detail any more of the actual videogame, merely revealing a launch window of Spring 2018.

Eden Tomorrow screencap 2

Eden Tomorrow isn’t actually a new title as it first appeared back in 2015 during Gamescom in Germany, simply called EDEN. Originally EDEN allowed players to control three separate characters, a bloke, and robotic dog and a flying drone, each of which has its own specific attributes to help the group survive the harsh environment.

In the latest trailer this still seems to be partially the case as the drone and male character both featured. However there was no sign of the players four legged companion. Of course over the last couple of years plans may have changed, just like the title, with Soulpix streamlining the experience ready for release.

At the time VRFocus spoke with Soulpix’s owner Frank Sennholz about the title, discussing the story and how the gameplay mechanics worked. We also previewed the early title, generally being fairly impressed with the experience, saying: “even this early on, this is a title that should already be on any VR fan’s radar.” Eden Tomorrow may have dropped of most people’s radar with the lack of info released by Soulpix since then, but that’s not going to be an issue for much longer.

As VRFocus learns more about Eden Tomorrow now that it’s resurfaced after two years in the wilderness, what’s changed, if its PlayStation VR exclusive (it was originally an Oculus Rift experience) and more we’ll let you know.