Sanctuaries Update for Jurassic World Alive Provides Greater Interaction With the Dinosaurs

It used to be that when mentioning augmented reality (AR) videogames only one title came up, Pokemon GO. Nowadays it has got plenty of competition from the likes of The Walking Dead: Ourworld, Ghostbusters World, Reality Clash, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite and Jurassic World Alive to name just a few. The latter hit mobile devices in 2018 and to celebrate its first anniversary as well as the opening of Universal Studios’ Jurassic World – The Ride, developer Ludia has released a new update called Sanctuaries. 

Jurassic World Alive Sanctuary

In Jurassic World Alive you play as a new member of the Dinosaur Protection Group (DPG), tasked with caring for and protecting dinosaurs. The new Sanctuaries update allows players to engage with their dinosaurs in new ways, enabling them to feed, interact and play with their dinosaurs in order to earn DNA and build up their dinosaur collection.

For example, remember the famous T-Rex feeding scene with the goat from the first movie, well if you happen to be caring for a T-Rex you can feed it a goat, or how about giving those cunning Raptors something to play with, taking their minds off of hunting you.

It’s not just about looking after your own dinos alone. In the update, players can engage in cooperative play and share Sanctuaries with their Alliance team members so that each team member can care for each other’s dinosaurs.

Jurassic World Alive Sanctuary

And there’s still all the popular mechanics which have seen Jurassic World Alive achieve 17 million downloads worldwide such as combining the DNA of collected creatures to create the ultimate hybrid whilst training and levelling up dinosaurs to then take into player-versus-player battles.

As mentioned, Universal Studios Hollywood’s Jurassic World – The Ride will be working in tandem with the videogame. To start with players will soon be able to engage in Strike Events, Treasure Chases and Event Supply Drops at various locations throughout the theme park for a limited time. Then later this summer, players will have the opportunity to collect dinosaurs and track down an exclusive Epic Incubator, a capsule that contains valuable resources, such as dinosaur DNA at the theme park.

Jurassic World Alive is available for iOS and Android for free. For further AR updates, keep reading VRFocus.

Tetris Effect, Moss, Beat Saber and More up for Game Developers Choice Awards

While CES 2019 this week tends to focus more on the hardware side of things when it comes virtual reality (VR), for gamers and videogame developers the first big show of the year is the 2019 Game Developers Conference in March. As per usual the event will host the Game Developers Choice Awards (GDCA), honouring titles across the breadth of the industry. All the nominees have now been announced, with several VR titles managing to find their way out of the dedicated VR/AR category.


To be honest there aren’t really any surprises when it comes to those VR titles who have made the nomination grade as you can see below.


  • Budget Cuts (Neat Corporation)
  • Beat Saber (Beat Games)
  • Tetris Effect (Monstars and Resonair / Enhance)
  • Moss (Polyarc)
  • Astro Bot Rescue Mission (SIE Japan Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment)

Honorable Mentions: Jurassic World Alive (Ludia), In Death (Sólfar Studios), Tendar (Tender Claws), Firewall Zero Hour (First Contact Entertainment / Sony Interactive Entertainment), Deracine (FromSoftware / Sony Interactive Entertainment)

Beat Saber POP/Stars

What’s far more promising for the industry as a whole is the inclusion of several titles in other categories, showcasing the reach VR experiences are starting to have. For example, Polyarc’s Moss also features in the Best Debut category with an honourable mention in the Innovation Award category. Tetris Effect shows up in Best Audio, Innovation Award, Best Visual Art (honourable mention) and Game of the Year (honourable mention.

Others worth noting are:

  • Beat Saber (Best Games) – Best Audio (honourable mention), Best Debut (honourable mention)
  • Astro Bot Rescue Mission (SIE Japan Studio / Sony Interactive Entertainment) – Best Design (honourable mention), Innovation Award (honourable mention)

This will be the 19th annual Game Developers Choice Awards and will be hosted once again by Tim Schafer, LucasArts industry veteran and founder of Double Fine Productions (Psychonauts 2). The ceremony will take place on Wednesday, 20th March, 2019 at 6:30pm at the San Francisco Moscone Center, and held in conjunction with the Independent Games Festival Awards (IGF).

Just like CES 2019, VRFocus will be at GDC 2019 to bring you all the very latest news and announcements relating to VR and AR as they happen.

Jurassic World Alive Brings AR Dinosaurs To Life On Mobile, Now Available

If you have every hoped to experience the thrill of Jurassic Park in real life then you will be happy to know that the dream is now one step closer, thanks to the release of Jurassic Park Alive. The latest augmented reality (AR) location based videogame title to hit mobile devices.

Jurassic World Alive Logo

Players step into the role of a brand-new member of the Dinosaur Protection Group (DPG), with the mission of saving dinosaurs from a second extinction. The track might sound scary but it will be easier than you think thanks to the technology made available to members of the DPG. Players will need to explore their surroundings looking for these magnificent animals in order to then collect their DNA samples to protect the dinosaurs from being lost forever.

The title might seem similar in style to that of Pokémon GO but Jurassic World Alive offers players a different immersive experience with new gameplay systems to enjoy. For starters, players will not only discover dinosaurs as they travel around but will also be able to develop new ones altogether by combining the DNA of collected creatures to create the ultimate hybrid. Of course players will be able to then train and level up their dinosaurs to then take into player-versus-player battles to see who has the best fighter around.

Jurassic World Alive

Players will also need to make good use of their drone, which is used to collect the DNA samples, leveling it up to allow better DNA collection and longer battery life. Progression will be earned from completing tasks and finding supply drops which become available at random within the open world for players to collect.

Jurassic World Alive was developed by Ludia as part of a partnership with Universal with Alex Thabet, President and CEO of Ludia saying: “With Jurassic World Alive, our goal is for audiences to be fully immersed into a world with living dinosaurs in a way that’s never been possible until today. We’re giving them the opportunity to explore and connect with like-minded players while building and interacting with these powerful prehistoric species.”

Players who want to start hunting and collecting dinosaurs can do so now on iOS and Android devices with capable AR support. The title also includes a VIP membership for a monthly fee of $9.99 (USD) which is optional. VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on the title in the future.

Jurassic World Alive Brings AR Dinosaurs To Life On Mobile, Now Available

If you have every hoped to experience the thrill of Jurassic Park in real life then you will be happy to know that the dream is now one step closer, thanks to the release of Jurassic Park Alive. The latest augmented reality (AR) location based videogame title to hit mobile devices.

Jurassic World Alive Logo

Players step into the role of a brand-new member of the Dinosaur Protection Group (DPG), with the mission of saving dinosaurs from a second extinction. The track might sound scary but it will be easier than you think thanks to the technology made available to members of the DPG. Players will need to explore their surroundings looking for these magnificent animals in order to then collect their DNA samples to protect the dinosaurs from being lost forever.

The title might seem similar in style to that of Pokémon GO but Jurassic World Alive offers players a different immersive experience with new gameplay systems to enjoy. For starters, players will not only discover dinosaurs as they travel around but will also be able to develop new ones altogether by combining the DNA of collected creatures to create the ultimate hybrid. Of course players will be able to then train and level up their dinosaurs to then take into player-versus-player battles to see who has the best fighter around.

Jurassic World Alive

Players will also need to make good use of their drone, which is used to collect the DNA samples, leveling it up to allow better DNA collection and longer battery life. Progression will be earned from completing tasks and finding supply drops which become available at random within the open world for players to collect.

Jurassic World Alive was developed by Ludia as part of a partnership with Universal with Alex Thabet, President and CEO of Ludia saying: “With Jurassic World Alive, our goal is for audiences to be fully immersed into a world with living dinosaurs in a way that’s never been possible until today. We’re giving them the opportunity to explore and connect with like-minded players while building and interacting with these powerful prehistoric species.”

Players who want to start hunting and collecting dinosaurs can do so now on iOS and Android devices with capable AR support. The title also includes a VIP membership for a monthly fee of $9.99 (USD) which is optional. VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on the title in the future.

Dinosaurier im moralischen Morast: Eine Woche mit Jurassic World Alive

Als ich vor knapp einer Woche eine Benachrichtigung darüber erhielt, dass Jurassic World Alive nun auch in Deutschland gespielt werden kann, waren meine Erwartungen groß. Die Motivation und Vorfreude stiegen ins Unermessliche und die eigenen Ideale waren fest verankert, dachte ich zumindest. Denn leider setzte die Zermürbung schneller ein als gedacht und mittlerweile habe ich Dinge getan, für die ich mich ein wenig schäme.

Tag 1: Ein holpriger Start

Nachdem ich die Push-Nachricht auf meinem Smartphone erhielt, begann ich sofort mit dem Download der Software. Einige Probleme mit dem Netzwerk ließen mich jedoch erst am späteren Abend eine Verbindung zur Welt von Jurassic World Alive aufbauen, weshalb ich beschloss, die letzten Stunden des Tages durch mein Viertel zu laufen und Dinosaurier zu jagen. Ein spaßiger Abend, obwohl mir noch nicht wirklich klar war, was genau und warum ich hier eigentlich sammle. Mein Ziel wurde aber schnell deutlicher, nachdem ich die ersten Kämpfe in der Arena abgeschlossen hatte. Ich setzte mir ein Ziel: In der Top-50-Liste soll zukünftig mein Name stehen.

Tag 2: Bin ich schon ein Cheater?

Voller Vorfreude sprang ich am zweiten Tag aus dem Bett, schnappte mir mein Longboard und erkundete die Gegend. In Windeseile entdeckte ich zahlreiche Dinosaurier und zapfte mir ihre DNA ab. Um besser in der Liga zu werden, sind starke Saurier nun einmal Pflicht und die Jagd mit dem Longboard war wahnsinnig effektiv. Gleichzeitig stellte sich mir allerdings die Frage, ob ich dadurch bereits zum Cheater wurde? Sollte ich nicht eigentlich laufen, anstatt im Vorbeirollen alles abzuernten? Egal! Ich benutze ja keine wirklich unfairen Mittel. Noch nicht.

Tag 3: Das Brutkasten-Dilemma

Am dritten Tag begann Jurassic World Alive, mich wirklich zu packen. Ich hatte viele Erfolge in der Liga und schaffte es schnell über die 1000-Punkte-Marke hinweg. Ein nerviges Problem stellten jedoch meine stets vollen Slots für die Brutkästen dar, denn dadurch konnte ich keine DNA mehr durch Kämpfe in der Arena gewinnen. Eine Option wäre gewesen, sich In-Game-Dollar gegen Echtgeld zu besorgen, um die Slots freizukaufen. Aber wer macht schon so was? Ich kann 8 Stunden warten. Absolut kein Problem. Dann kämpfe ich zunächst halt ohne Belohnungen. Allerdings machte sich an diesem Punkt bereits die Enttäuschung darüber bemerkbar, dass man In-Game-Dollar realistisch gesehen nur gegen echtes Geld kaufen kann. Zwar findet man hier und da wenige der begehrten Zahlungsmittel in Versorgungskisten, aber diese reichen nicht aus, um die Slots dauerhaft freizuhalten.

Tag 4: Schmeiß die Fuffies durch den Club


Aufgrund der Unzufriedenheit über die Werbung und dem ständig vorhandenen Druck, echtes Geld investieren zu müssen, wurde ich frustriert und spielte am vierten Tag zunächst überhaupt nicht. Doch der Tag zog vorbei, die Nacht brach an, und zeitgleich meine Motivation zum Smartphone zu greifen und die Karriereleiter in der Liga weiter nach oben zu klettern. Also ging ich auf meinen Balkon, startete das Spiel und begann zu kämpfen. Dummerweise hatte ich vergessen, die Brutkästen zu aktivieren und begann somit meine Kämpfe, ohne dafür mit neuer DNA belohnt zu werden. Ziemlich blöd. Ich wollte doch genau jetzt unterhalten werden und nicht irgendwann später.

Getrieben vom Ehrgeiz, weiter in der Liga aufzusteigen, relativierte ich ziemlich schnell den Preis für ein paar JW-Dollar. So flossen knapp sechs Euro in die Taschen der Entwickler und ich konnte für wenige Stunden meine Slots für die Brutkästen frei halten. Das verschaffte mir natürlich auch einen Vorteil gegenüber den anderen Spielern, die diese Option nicht nutzten.

Letztendlich hab ich jedoch die sechs Euro in kürzester Zeit komplett verballert. Und wofür? Um mir irgendetwas auf eine Platzierung in einer Liga einzubilden und neue virtuelle Dino-Karten zu sammeln. Schon etwas schräg, aber normalerweise kosten Spiele ja auch Geld und nach dieser Argumentationsgrundlage konnte ich die Tat irgendwie vor mir selbst rechtfertigen.

Tag 5: Erniedrigung für JW-Dollar und Fake GPS

JW Alive 2

Am nächsten Morgen wollte ich direkt weiter in der Liga kämpfen, aber meine Slots für Brutkästen waren natürlich wieder komplett belegt. Also schaute ich nach anderen Möglichkeiten, um gratis an die In-Game-Währung zu gelangen. Und mir eröffnete sich sogar eine legale Option: Installiere richtig schlechte Apps auf deinem Smartphone und verdiene damit JW-Dollar! Ekelhaft. “Naja, es bekommt ja keiner mit und ich kann die Apps danach schnell wieder löschen …”, schoss es mir in den Kopf. Ach, ich habe es getan und fühle mich schlecht. Dennoch brachte mir diese nicht besonders heldenhafte Tat ein paar spannende Kämpfe ein und vermutlich hab ich nur etwas Zeit und Energie für den Download verschwendet.

Da ich moralisch sowieso bereits mit dem Rücken zur Wand stand und ich es langsam satthatte, ständig auf die Straße zu rennen, um Dinosaurier zu fangen, begann ich nachzuforschen, wie andere Spieler diese Hürde bei ähnlichen Spielen meisterten. Die Antwort: Einfach einen anderen GPS-Standort vortäuschen. Dies gelang mir traurigerweise sogar ohne Root, wodurch ich begann, meine ganze Jagd infrage zu stellen. Wo bleibt der Spaß, wenn solche Tricks erfolgreich und unbemerkt verwendet werden können? Langsam habe ich keine Lust mehr auf das Spiel.

Tag 6 und 7: Fazit – Das Finanzierungsmodell von Jurassic World Alive nervt

Mit einem schmutzigen Gefühl wachte ich am nächsten Morgen auf und betrachtete die GPS-Fake-Software auf meinen Smartphone. Ich beschloss, den Kram zu deinstallieren und nicht mehr auf die Erfolge in der Liga zu achten. Sobald man zulässt, dass das Spiel einem echtes Geld aus der Tasche zieht, kann man schnell in einen Teufelskreis geraten und dadurch mehr verlieren, als einem lieb ist. Die Verlockung ist groß, wenige Euros für ein paar Stunden Spielspaß zu investieren. Doch bereits nach kurzer Zeit erinnert euch das Spiel erneut daran, weiteres Geld in die Maschinerie einzuwerfen. Durch die vermeintlich kleinen Beträge wird die Hürde sehr niedrig gehalten, wodurch ein teurer Kreislauf entstehen kann.

Das hier soll kein Appell sein, die Finger von Jurassic World Alive zu lassen. Jedoch sollte man sich bewusst machen, dass das Finanzierungsmodell darauf ausgelegt ist, euch immer wieder in die Brieftasche greifen zu lassen. Ständige Angebote und finanzielle Abkürzungen machen das Spiel nicht besser oder fairer. Das Abo-Modell wäre eine gute Option gewesen, um die Finanzierung zu sichern, aber leider sehen es die Entwickler nur als zusätzlich Einnahmequelle neben den Verkäufen im JW-Shop. Schade.

Der Beitrag Dinosaurier im moralischen Morast: Eine Woche mit Jurassic World Alive zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Google Opens ‘Maps’ API So Devs Can Create ‘Pokémon Go’-style Games

During the Google Developer Day presentation at GDC 2018, Product Manager Clementine Jacoby and Engineering Lead Patrick Donelan at Google Maps presented the team’s progress in bringing their technology and data to game developers. Several ‘location-based’ AR games using Google Maps APIs and ARCore are coming to mobile devices this year.

Building large virtual worlds is costly and time-consuming when done by hand. Using the example of Rockstar Games’ Grand Theft Auto IV (2008), which remains one of the most expensive and richest game worlds ever created, Jacoby noted that this was, at launch, it only as big as downtown Manhattan (in terms of real-world scale). Google is now offering an easier route, where even small teams can leverage vast, rich geodata through Google Maps APIs.

The team has built an SDK to bring the technology to Unity which “does all the heavy lifting” with “no Google Maps expertise needed to get started,” and helps developers design interactions around real-world places, which presents a unique set of challenges.

“Doing it well requires knowing a lot about the player’s immediate environment and also their larger context,” says Jacoby. “We help you design gameplay around real-world locations so you can choose places that are appropriate, unique, and fun to play, no matter where your players are.”

Image courtesy Google

Donelan demonstrated how the Unity integration can easily turn the bland, untextured geometry of Google Maps building and object data into stylised settings for game experiences using lighting and textures, or even changing the height of the buildings. Then, using the Playable Locations API, you can create a game with missions and spawn points at prominent locations, and have it work anywhere around the world. “We use a vast array of Google Maps signals to determine the best places for gameplay and AR experiences ranked by prominence and popularity,” says Donelan. “You can request points at whatever density your game requires, and fine-tune the way those points are distributed.”

There are additional features to enable richer detail to the environment, such as ‘nine slicing’ for adding custom-sized textures to buildings, decorators to add extra geometry to rooftops, and borders around roads and buildings to simulate ambient occlusion. The SDK also integrates with Unity’s real-time lighting and physics systems.

Donelan then highlighted some well-polished examples created by a single developer in just a few weeks using procedural rules and modular asset packs. Firstly, two stylised views of city environments were shown, zooming down to street level at an impressive level of detail, with Google Maps data informing the procedural rendering in an organic way. In the final example, a vast area of Glacier National Park in Montana was shown, rendered in Unity using Google Maps elevation data, with procedurally generated rocks and vegetation, showing the SDK is not limited to urban environments.

The overall message: it’s easy to harness Google Maps geodata to build rich game experiences that work on a global scale, using gameplay suitable for the real world, and driving players to popular places, or off the beaten path, depending on the style of game. Finally, three games coming in 2018 using ARCore and Google Maps APIs were featured: Jurassic World Alive, Ghostbusters World, and The Walking Dead: Our World.

The post Google Opens ‘Maps’ API So Devs Can Create ‘Pokémon Go’-style Games appeared first on Road to VR.

The Park Is Open, Everywhere, As Jurassic Park Does Pokémon GO

After the massive success of Pokemon Go, and the new capabilities offered by the ARKit and ARCore toolsets, a number of franchises are looking to augmented reality (AR) to bring a world to life. The latest is Jurassic World Alive, an AR mobile app that lets users collect dinosaurs.

Jurassic World Alive is the result of a partnership between franchise holders Universal and videogame developers Ludia, and is the third title to be produced by the partnership. The app will use location-based technology to let users find and collect dinosaurs.

Jurassic World Alive Logo

Users of the app will be able to explore their city or neighbourhood and find dinosaurs featured in the Jurassic World movie, as well as those from the upcoming Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom film. Users will be able to collect dinosaurs, and create their own hybrid creatures in a lab, then pose and take AR pictures with their creatures and share them on social media.

Alex Thabet, President and CEO of Ludia, says: “With Jurassic World Alive, our goal is for audiences to be fully immersed into a world with living dinosaurs in a way that’s never been possible until today. We’re giving them the opportunity to explore and connect with like-minded players while building and interacting with these powerful prehistoric species.”

Jurassic World fans have long dreamed of seeing these majestic and sometimes frightening creatures in real life. With the location and AR technology available today, we can finally make that dream a reality,” said Chris Heatherly, Executive Vice President of Games and Digital Platforms, Universal Brand Development. “We are thrilled to once again work with Ludia and think this will be the biggest and most exciting game in the franchise yet!”

Jurassic World Alive will launch worldwide on 22nd June 2018 for Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Interested users can visit the official website to pre-register to receive a free in-game item upon launch. Further news on this and other upcoming new AR apps will be right here on VRFocus.

Jurassic World Alive Is Basically Pokemon Go Meets Dinosaurs

Jurassic World Alive Is Basically Pokemon Go Meets Dinosaurs

Ever since Pokemon Go’s runaway success, the trend of “Take X thing and make it like Pokemon Go” is becoming more and more popular. There are plenty of rip-off style games out there, there’s a Ghostbusters AR game in development, and even the creators of Pokemon Go are working on a Harry Potter AR game that uses a lot of the same elements.

Now, things are going prehistoric as Universal has announced a partnership with Ludia Inc., the same studio behind the official Jurassic World mobile game, to create Jurassic World Alive.

Jurassic World Alive is set to launch this Spring for iOS and Android (pre-registration is available now) and it both looks and plays very similarly to Pokemon Go. It’s all location-based to allow you to find and discover dinosaurs in the “real world” by exploring the world. The little prehistoric dinos pop up on the in-game map around you, just like Pokemon, and there are even some that are unique to specific real world areas…you know, just like Pokemon.

The biggest difference though is that you don’t have to physically walk around to discover the dinosaurs. You can deploy a drone instead to go collect nearby DNA and then unlock that dinosaur using its DNA to create hybrid creatures. If you’ve seen the most recent Jurassic World movie then I’m sure you can extrapolate on why that’s a bad idea.

Then that’s where the fun stuff really starts as you can eventually have your dinosaurs fight other players’ dinosaurs in matches that will probably resemble, you guessed it, Pokemon.

At launch Universal is aiming to have approximately 100 dinosaurs to find but they’re planning regular updates to tie-in with upcoming film releases as well as special hybrids to unlock.

Anyone that’s played around with the AR Stickers on Google’s Pixel phones know just how exciting it can be to drop giant things into the world, so the novelty of scale alone should make Jurassic World Alive worth a quick weekend download when it releases this Spring.

Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

h/t: Mashable

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