Meta is Killing off Virtual Pet ‘Bogo’ & ‘Dead and Buried’ Series This Week

Announced late last year, Meta is shutting down three of its exclusive titles this week, including VR shooters Dead and Buried (2016) and Dead and Buried II (2019), and virtual pet simulator Bogo (2019), making it your last chance to say goodbye.

Update (March 11th, 2024): The date for complete shutdown of Bogo and both Dead and Buried titles is coming fast, arriving on March 15th. If you want to give them one last go, now’s your chance. For Quest owners who haven’t played before, sadly there’s no way to download them from the Quest Store, as all three have been removed at the time of the original announcement in September 2023.

The original article detailing the games’ shutdown follow below:

Original Article (September 18th, 2023): Meta announced via email to current game owners that all three titles will no longer be supported come March 15th, 2024. In the meantime, the company has removed the games from store search results, and removed any way to purchase or download them (if not already in your library).

Created as an Oculus Touch launch title for Rift and released in late 2016 by Oculus Studios, Dead and Buried was one of the pioneering multiplayer VR shooters that explored room-scale gameplay, including co-op, PvP, and single-player modes.

Interestingly, the Oculus Touch launch title never came to Quest, although a version was adapted for Oculus Go, the 3DOF standalone released in 2018.

Meta’s internal game development studio back then, Oculus Studios, instead was working on Dead and Buried II, which would release as a launch title for the original Quest in May 2019, but also arrive on Rift with cross-play.

Dead and Buried II departed from the purely room-scale locomotion of the first, and injected some standard stick-driven locomotion to the mix, making for more dynamic shootouts across multiple maps.

Released as a free Oculus Quest launch title in 2019 (and Rift), Bogo lets you raise and care for your own virtual pet. It’s admittedly a short experience without a ton of depth, but it’s getting the axe just the same come March 15th, as it will be removed not only from both Quest and Rift Stores, but also from user libraries.

While both Dead and Buried games heavily feature online gameplay—more understandable victims of platform decay—the decision to shutter the single-player game Bogo suggests Meta isn’t prioritizing legacy support for original Quest games as it moves towards the next generation of Quest headset, or more specifically Quest 3.

Whatever the case, we’re sure to learn more come September 27th during Connect 2023 where the company will very likely release a flurry of news surrounding Quest 3.

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Dead And Buried II: Reloaded Brings New Modes And Maps To The Western VR Shooter

Dead and Buried II: Reloaded is a big, free update to the Oculus Rift and Quest-exclusive VR shooter that introduces a series of new game modes, maps, and more to the Western-themed VR shooter.

Dead and Buried II released in 2019 for both Rift and Quest and quickly fizzled out in terms of popularity. Now, almost a year later, it’s getting a big update that adds a host of new features to try and draw people back in.

This update will add three brand new game modes: Survival, Horde, and Quickdraw. In Survival, you and three other players have to try and survive as you collect energy orbs to progress through large maps. For this mode there are three new maps as well: Fort, Canyon, and Alpine. The destruction sounds similar to the popular zombies game mode found in many Call of Duty games.

The other two game modes, Quickdraw and Horde, are “back by popular demand” according a prepared statement as carryovers from the original Dead and Buried that launched with Oculus Touch back in late 2016.

Quickdraw is exactly what it sounds like: this is a 1v1 stand-off against another player in the middle of the Old West-themed main town area. Horde on the other hand is similar to the new Survival mode, as it is another co-op mode across a series of maps.

Developers are also adding four new maps to Shootout, making it seven total for this multi-team mode, as well as two new maps to the Deathmatch mode, also equaling seven total for this mode.

Finally, there is now a character select screen, two new characters, five new weapons, and character customization for added variety.

The Dead and Buried II: Reloaded update launches for free today on both Oculus Rift and Oculus Quest. You can get the game now, if you don’t own it already for $19.99 with full crossplay and cross-buy support across both headsets. You can read more about the update over on the Oculus blog.

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GDC 2019: Dead and Buried 2 Feels A Lot More Like Quake In VR Than Expected

GDC 2019: Dead and Buried 2 Feels A Lot More Like Quake In VR Than Expected

Last week at GDC 2019 Oculus officially unveiled Dead and Buried 2, the dramatically expanded follow-up to 2016’s original western-themed shootout. I tried out the demo for Dead and Buried 2 on an Oculus Quest using two of the new-style Touch controllers. I played in a free-for-all Deathmatch against one other Quest player (an editor from IGN) and a bunch of bots.

I won of course.

My Dead and Buried 2 demo only featured that one single Deathmatch game mode, but the full release promises more. In addition to returning modes from last time like duels and shoot-outs, as well as cooperative modes, there will be more smooth locomotion movement modes like this one as well.

To be honest I didn’t expect to be able to play a fast-paced first-person shooter like this on the Quest so early in its life cycle. I thought it would take a while for developers to get the hang of the new tracking system enough to deliver something that works well. Thankfully I was wrong.

The great thing about playing a shooter like this is that you’re almost always holding your hands out in front of you while playing. Every now and then you’ll need to reach out to either side, but it’s pretty rare. Sometimes I reached down to my waist while looking up or in a different direction and that motion was a little hit or miss since the cameras couldn’t see my hands. The tracking seemed to sort of “guess” where I was reaching and got it right about 70% of the time (that’s a purely anecdotal guesstimate, keep in mind.)

And to reiterate here, when I say it reminded me of Quake and Unreal Tournament, I don’t just mean that it had me running around a map shooting people, although that certainly contributed. But more specifically there were floating health pickups scattered around, new guns to grab, and various items like dynamite to use.

The map I tried was full of corridors, multiple floors, elevation, and lots of cover points — it’s the same one shown in all of the screenshots. Visually it looked bright, colorful, and very distinct and even though I was on Quest I didn’t feel like I was using “mobile” hardware. This felt like a real, polished 6DOF VR shooter with two tracked hand controllers. When you’re in the moment playing the game and it just works you don’t have time to stop and spot the differences.

That’s a very good thing.

Dead and Buried 2 is coming to Oculus Quest at launch and Oculus Rift (presumably) at the exact same time. You can see a direct comparison video of the visual fidelity right here. The game will be 100% cross-play with its multiplayer and supposedly cross-buy since it is an Oculus Studios title, meaning if you own it on one device your account will own it on both.

Let us know what you think of the game so far down in the comments below!

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Here’s How Dead And Buried 2 Looks On Rift S And Quest

Here’s How Dead And Buried 2 Looks On Rift S And Quest

Looking to see how Oculus Quest games stack up to Rift S? These assets for Oculus’ Dead and Buried 2 should give you some idea.

We’ve uploaded a bunch of videos of the upcoming VR shooter, which is appearing on both platforms. Oculus provided them to us at GDC this week. Sadly we don’t have screenshots for a direct comparison; we were only provided with Quest images on that front. So we decided to put a bunch of the clips together so that people could see what the game looks like for themselves.

Okay and we’ll throw in some GIFs too just for good measure. Here it is again on Quest.

And here it is one last time on Rift.

How do you think they stack up? Personally speaking it looks like the Quest version holds its own pretty well. We’ll have to wait until both headsets our in our hands to give it a really accurate rundown, though.

Then again, this is an internally-developed Oculus project with the full might of Facebook on its side. It remains to be seen if other developers will have a similar level of success getting their Rift games to run on the platform.

We’re expecting Dead and Buried 2 to launch alongside both Rift S and Quest this spring. It’s also thought that this will be one of the cross-platform titles to support both cross-buy and cross-play. The former means that anyone that buys one version gets the other, while the latter means you can play together regardless of platform. Neat!

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Dead and Buried 2 für Oculus Quest und Rift S angekündigt

Oculus veröffentlichte neben der Oculus Rift S auf der GDC 2019 den Nachfolger des kultigen Western-Shooters Dead and Buried 2, der für Oculus Quest und Oculus Rift S erscheinen soll.

Dead and Buried 2 – Nachfolger des Western-Shooters für Oculus Quest und Oculus Rift S angekündigt

Dead and Buried wurde erstmals 2016 von Oculus und Gunfire Games für Oculus Rift veröffentlicht, um den Spielern einen Multiplayer-Western-Shooter mit diversen Spielmodi zu präsentieren. Nun folgt drei Jahre später passend zur Veröffentlichung der nächsten Rift-Brille der zweite Teil der Shooter-Reihe.

Ebenso wie der Vorgänger versetzt auch Dead and Buried 2 seine schießfreudigen VR-Spieler in das gewohnte Western-Setting und lässt sie in verschiedenen Karten gegeneinander antreten. So feuert ihr euch durch Westernstädte und Salons und beweist, wer der beste Schütze in der Stadt ist.

Dabei stehen diverse Spielmodi, wie ein Free-for-All-Deathmatch oder ein Horde-Modus gegen NPCs mit unterschiedlichen Waffen zur Auswahl. Neben den bekannten Spielvarianten sollen jedoch auch neue Auswahlmöglichkeiten hinzukommen. Außerdem ermöglicht der Nachfolger absolute Bewegungsfreiheit in den virtuellen Duellen.

Außerdem sorgt ein Social Hub zukünftig für Interaktionsmöglichkeiten mit der Community. Entsprechend kann man vor den Runden mit anderen Spielern in Kontakt treten und sich unterhalten bzw. auf verschiedene Gimmicks zum Zeitvertreib zurückgreifen.

Eines der wichtigsten Features dürfte jedoch der Cross-Plattform-Support zwischen den Vertretern der PC-VR-Brillen und der kommenden Oculus Quest sein. Unabhängig vom gewählten VR-Endgerät können die Nutzer somit miteinander spielen. Das Cross-Buy-Feature erlaubt zudem den VR-Titel nach dem Kauf auf beiden Geräten zu verwenden. Letzteres wurde allerdings noch nicht offiziell für den neuen VR-Titel bestätigt.

Dead and Buried 2 soll im Frühjahr 2019 für Oculus Rift S und Oculus Quest erscheinen. Sämtliche Spiele für die Oculus Rift S sind natürlich auch mit der Standard-Version der Oculus Rift spielbar.

(Quelle: Upload VR | VR Scout | Video: Oculus YouTube)

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GDC 2019: Dead and Buried 2 Coming To Oculus Quest And Rift S

GDC 2019: Dead and Buried 2 Coming To Oculus Quest And Rift S

Oculus’ showcase VR shooter, Dead and Buried, is getting a sequel. Dead and Buried 2 is coming soon.

The game was announced at the 2019 Game Developers Conference (GDC) this week. As with the first, it’s a western-themed multiplayer first-person shooter (FPS). Players brawl through saloons and streets in pursuit of becoming the fastest gun in VR. Crucially, though, the sequel allows full freedom of movement through virtual environments. The original had players rooted to specific places on a map.

Here are five minutes of the game being played on Oculus Rift. It looks pretty frantic, with inventive weaponry and dual-wielding action. At one point you can see a logo for the ‘Oculus Strike Team’ developer too. Like the first, Dead and Buried 2 is largely developed by a small internal team at Oculus. The original game did get a helping hand from Chronos and From Other Suns developer, Gunfire Games, though it’s not clear if that’s the case here too.

We’ve also got a few GIFs of the game in action (on Quest) below.

We should have more details on the game for you later this week. Though unconfirmed, this certainly seems like a good place to demonstrate the cross-buy and cross-play features between Rift S and Quest. The former means that anyone that buys a compatible game on one headset will get it on the other headset too. Cross-play, meanwhile, means Rift S and Quest players can play together in compatible multiplayer titles.

We’re expecting the game to be a launch title for Quest but, again, that’s unconfirmed.

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