MindMaze And Dacuda Collaborate To Parallelize Mobile Room-Scale And Social Virtual Reality Experiences

Dacuda is currently the leading computer vision company that aims to democratize the 3D world and improve Social Virtual Reality experiences. Dacuda is now the top in Smart Scanning Technology and Virtual Reality that is why many companies are proposing to collaborate with them. With these profile, MindMaze made its big leap in democratizing Mobile Room-Scale and Social Virtual Experiences by collaborating with Dacuda.

Virtual Reality specialist MindMaze and Dacuda joined forces to proclaim the launch in Q4/2016 of a mobile based HMD featuring 6 DoF room-scale tracking and emotion calculation on the ability to perform for social VR at the value point of a Samsung GearVR.

In Q4/2016 MindMaze will expand the technology for the users to widely address a bare left by Google’s DayDream View for positional tracking and many players interactions.

Dacuda is hopeful that this move will help MindMaze be a part of an article about the Oculus since everyone is so intrigued about what was Oculus been doing in the social ecosystem.

As a factor of the first Swiss-US VR Summit taken at Pier 17 in San Francisco, Dacuda’s positional tracking demonstration has been presented. Key note speakers from HTC and others are featured in the said event. Dacuda demonstrated how an HMD with positional tracking that can be applied to playroom-scale Desktop VR titles having more greater image quality than Oculus Rift or HTC Vive.

Their alliance was unveiled to launch “MMI”. This is the world’s first multi sensory computing podium for mobile based, social and immersive virtual reality applications.

The technology channel behind MMI basically came from some of the most leading neurotechnology recent computer vision algorithms. It presents MindMaze’s neural markers united with Dacuda’s SLAM Scan 6DoF room scale technology.

This project is stabilized to stimulate adoption of immersive virtual reality into particular streams of consumer gaming, media and healthcare. Anyone with a smartphone will have the avenue to high quality virtual reality experiences at full six degrees of freedom.

More information about the MMI will be revealed soon.


It is a computer vision manufacture that redesigns the capacities of cameras through the real time. Dacuda’s mission is to deliver 3D capturing to all consumers by creating 3D content as easy as taking a video in response to its recognition as the leading premier in software 3D camera technology. Dacuda’s software 3D camera aids scale existing 3D use cases to consumers with application based scanning and authorizes innovative experiences for Augmented and Virtual Reality headsets.


It is a neurotechnology company created at the intersection of neuroscience, virtual and augmented reality. MindMaze is now widening its multisensory platform into new podiums of consumer health and media applications.

This promising partnership is expected to create more VR innovations in the future to improve Mobile Room-Scale And Social Virtual experiences.

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Report: Magic Leap Acquires Dacuda 3D Tech

Magic Leap Acquires Dacuda Technology

A recent report from Tom’s Hardware indicates Magic Leap is acquiring the 3D scanning assets of Dacuda — a company known historically for creating pocket scanners and recently for its 3D SLAM technologies. The report cites a cryptic blog post announcing Dacuda’s divestment of its 3D scanning properties and LinkedIn profiles for many Dacuda staff members that now show them as employees of Magic Leap.

Dacuda is also said able to be able achieve inside-out positional tracking in six degrees of freedom. This sort of mobile-first tracking system would be an obvious fit for Magic Leap as it works hard toward the goal of creating ergonomic and successful AR glasses. The technology Dacuda may be selling to Magic Leap could be essential for running AR glasses on the scale we’re all expecting.

Magic Leap has taken some hits recently, with the company’s head of PR leaving after a report indicated the company may not have successfully miniaturized key components. The startup has raised an extraordinary amount from companies like Google and Alibaba, but reports indicate they are under pressure internally to deliver on engineering deadlines.

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MindMaze kollaboriert mit Dacuda

MindMaze ist ein Unternehmen aus der Schweiz, welches eher im medizinischen Bereich angesiedelt ist. Das Unternehmen hat sich auf die Rehabilitation konzentriert und verwendet dazu Virtual Reality Technologie. Das Unternehmen hilft beispielsweise Menschen, die einen Hirnschlag oder einen Unfall hatten. Dank Virtual Reality können betroffene Menschen schneller wieder Bewegungsabläufe erlernen, denn der Mensch kann an eine Bewegung denken und diese wird in VR durchgeführt, obwohl der Patient sich in Wirklichkeit nicht bewegt. Um die Bewegung in der virtuellen Welt auszulösen, werden Gehirnströme und die Muskelaktivität gemessen und somit die gewollten Bewegungen gedeutet, auch wenn der Mensch sie in der Realität nicht ausführen kann.

MindMaze kollaboriert mit Dacuda

Doch MindMaze verschließt sich auch nicht anderen Anwendungsgebieten. So lässt sich ein VR Spiel mit der Technologie von MindMaze ohne Controller steuern und wir können uns in der virtuellen Welt mit unseren Gedanken bewegen. Außerdem ist es MindMaze möglich, auch Empfindungen an den Menschen zu geben. So kann sich das Greifen von Objekten im virtuellen Raum real anfühlen, wenn die entsprechenden Impulse an das Gehirn gegeben werden.

Mindmaze kollaboriert mit Dacuda und zeigt MMI

Nun kollaboriert MindMaze mit Dacuda. Dacuda ist ein Unternehmen welches sich auf Computer Vision (also das maschinelle Sehen) spezialisiert hat. MindMaze und Dacuda haben jetzt die MMI Plattform vorgestellt, welche die Lücke zwischen Mobile VR und der HTC Vive oder Oculus Rift schließen soll. Laut der Beschreibung wird der SLAM Scan von Dacuda für das Positional Tracking genutzt und mit den Sensoren von MindMaze kombiniert. Somit wollen die Unternehmen ein autarkes VR-Headset mit Positional Tracking herstellen, welches Emotionen und Körperbewegungen erkennen kann und somit soziale VR Erfahrungen auf ein neues Level heben könnte. Bereits in naher Zukunft möchten die Unternehmen diese Technologie an Millionen Konsumenten weltweit geben.

Ein autarkes Headset mit Positional Tracking wird gerade von einigen Firmen entwickelt. So hat Qualcomm bereits ein Referenzdesign vorgestellt, welches noch in diesem Jahr an Hersteller gegeben wird und auch Oculus hat mit Santa Cruz ein solches Produkt in der Planung.

[Quelle: Dacuda]

Der Beitrag MindMaze kollaboriert mit Dacuda zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Mindmaze Collaborates With Dacuda For Room Scale VR Initiative

Mindmaze Collaborates With Dacuda For Room Scale VR Initiative

Mindmaze, a spin off from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, has taken a proficiency in VR and neuroscience that makes them one of the top startups in Switzerland and charged forward into consumer healthcare applications. The company is now taking an additional step forward by collaborating with Dacuda, a private computer vision company that developed a SLAM scanning technology. Together, the two companies have announced the MMI platform that aims to bridge a gap in capability between mobile VR platforms and more premium options like the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.

Here’s how the initiative is described:

The technology pipeline behind MMI is based on some of the most advanced neurotechnology and real-time computer vision algorithms. It features MindMaze’s neural markers combined with Dacuda’s SLAM Scan 6DoF room-scale tracking technology. With its ability to measure emotions and body interactions, MMI will facilitate engaging social virtual reality interactions.

VR/AR with positional tracking on a mobile device is a definitive path into the hands and households of lots of consumers, and a number of companies are trying to solve this problem– including Oculus.

“Many are quite disappointed that Oculus still has not released anything for mobile room-scale VR – we can close that gap today, as shown publicly…with our positional tracking demo,” said Erik Fonseka, Dacuda founder & VP of mobile VR, in a prepared statement

Dr. Tej Tadi, founder at Mindmaze, recognizes the opportunity in front of them.

“To redefine high quality consumer VR and AR experiences beyond media and gaming into healthcare and wellness has been a long standing interest for MindMaze and with the MMI platform we intend to usher a new era of neural VR technologies accessible to millions of consumers,” he says.

The MMI platform will be deployed during 2016’s 4th quarter, with its sights focused on bringing the fully immersive VR experience to mobile devices. Of course, mobile positional tracking is an incredibly difficult problem to solve and we haven’t tested the latest technology from Dacuda and Mindmaze yet.

Zeiss and Dacuda Partner for Roomscale Mobile VR

Zeiss and Dacuda have revealed the latest work on their roomscale mobile virtual reality (VR) solution, the vaiaVR head-mounted display (HMD). Designed to provide an entry-level roomscale mobile VR solution utilising your smartphone, vaiaVR will be compatible with existing SteamVR titles and can be used for walking or sitting experiences similar to the HTC Vive.

vaiaVR headset

Accurate tracking of the head position is important in creating the feeling of presence in the virtual world and to reduce the risk of simulation sickness. Current mobile tracking solutions provide only tracking of rotational movements, however Zeiss and Dacuda have built on the experience learned from the VR ONE platform and integrated a six degrees of freedom (6-DoF) tracker into their next HMD, the vaiaVR.

“Until now, these games were only accessible with a significant investment into a dedicated VR headset,” said Franz Troppenhagen, VR Product Manager at Zeiss. “The VR ONE’s compatibility with a wide range of mobile devices makes it a perfect accompaniment to the Dacuda platform, and we look forward to giving virtual reality enthusiasts an affordable entry into high-level VR with this bundle.”

While high-end VR headsets solve this problem with external devices, such at the HTC Vive’s Lighthouse technology, Dacuda’s 6-DOF tracker uses the phone’s built-in camera to determine head position and rotation more than 60 times per second. According to Dacuda, it is the world’s first solution that enables mobile 6DOF tracking at a <20ms motion-to-photon latency on Google Daydream-ready smartphones.

vaiaVR headset

The Zeiss and Dacuda solution features a field-of-view of over 100 degrees while the optics are specially designed by Zeiss. The companies claim that there is no need for any adjustment to one’s own inter-papillary distance (IPD) and even the corner areas look sharp.

The solution builds on the Zeiss VR ONE and will feature a full plug-and-play experience for consumers including Steam Controllers for interaction. The solution requires a recent smartphone and a VR-ready computer running Valve’s Steam platform. The vaiaVR HMD is still currently in the prototype stage with no details on a consumer release yet available, however VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details on the vaiaVR.