Life In 360°: Hiding The Heavens

In a modern world there are lights galore allowing humanity to ‘operate’, as it were, far beyond the time the sun has set.  But in our quest to experience the wonders of the evening have we lost perhaps the greatest sight the night can behold?

Life In 360° / 360 Degree VideoIf you’re in a city you’re not likely to see much if you look up into the sky at night. You might pick out the odd star here and there, but you’re more likely to see Venus or even the International Space Station as well as the occasional aeroplane, naturally enough.

Anyone who has spent any time at night in the countryside will be able to tell you that with the removal of what is termed ‘light pollution’ to have the true night sky revealed to you is a sight truly to see. Yet even in the country you will suffer somewhat from that light being given off from the houses, streetlamps and other buildings in the vague vicinity to where you are.

In The Endangered Starry Sky, a video from back in July this year, the team from CNN look into one location that is actively trying to keep the stars in the sky. As the team explain below:

As the glow of light pollution from cities and towns endangers our view of the night sky, gaze up at the stars from Zion National Park in southern Utah. The park is taking steps to become an official “Dark Sky Place” in hopes of preserving its nocturnal vistas.”

Check out that video here and come back to VRFocus in a couple of days’ time when we’ll have some yet another example of how broadcasters and individuals are using 360 degree video to show a new look at the world around them. Until then be sure to check out all the latest news and features elsewhere on the site.

Life In 360°: History In A Land Of Lost History

Welcome to Wednesday! We’re midway through Gamescom week and we’ve managed to not kill each other yet so we’re considering things as going “okay”. You all know the form. Events are stressful, especially when you’re the ones not there. So for this week we’re continuing our tradition of doing anything but videogames as a away of taking some time out from all that’s going on and instead do a bit of travelling via 360 degree video.

Life In 360° / 360 Degree VideoToday we’re taking a trip to the Kingdom of Cambodia in Southeast Asia. It is a country with great history, though it’s most many will recall it for only the very dark period during the seventies when Pol Pot let the Khmer Rouge to take over the country, during which time it was renamed Democratic Kampuchea and a purge took place on anything remotely considered Western. The people suffered most, however with tens if not hundreds of thousands slain for reasons of ethnicism, religion, even perceived intellectualism.

Thankfully Cambodia is a far different place now, but that period of the country’s history effectively erased most of its history to that point. So today’s video, brought to you by the team at CNN, takes you to Banteay Chhmar, a 12th century Angkorian temple. I’ll let the official website explain its background:

“Banteay Chhmar Temple is one of Cambodia’s national treasures. Dating from the Angkorian period, it is a precious and irreplaceable link to the cultural heritage of the Khmer people. There are countless Buddhist images and startling bas-reliefs of Angkorian-era life that signify its importance as a temple complex. For 800 years, the temple has remained mostly undiscovered and untouched. The forces of nature resulting in overgrowth and collapse.”

You can check out the video, filmed earlier this year, below.

Get CNN’s Latest Breaking News via its VR App for Oculus Rift

CNN and Magnopus have launched the latest in virtual reality (VR) experiences in the form of CNN VR onto the Oculus store.

CNN VR Screenshot 01

Announced back in March of last year, the CNN VR application invites viewers directly into the newsroom of the future, getting closer than ever before to the stories that are being delivered. Viewers will have the power to “go there” into the heart of the story and become fully immersed in 360-degree news coverage.

The CNN VR application gives viewers the power of being the “producer” of their own show, allowing them to have full control of the experience. After a tutorial that is voiced by CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer, users can choose what news they want to view from the latest breaking stories or jump right into 360-degree videos. This will transport a user to immersive original 360-degree videos from CNN journalists around the world, connecting them to the news as close as possible without actually being there. All of the content is delivered in 4K resolution and encoded by Pixvana to ensure a smooth viewing experience.

CNN VR Screenshot 02

CNN have been involved with VR for some time now, having created a number of news stories in 360-degree video. These include the Syrian civil war, showcasing the devastation of Aleppo, a collaboration with NextVR to live stream the Democratic presidential debate, along with the US Inauguration. The application will also include an CNN ticker scroll and social integration with the CNN Twitter accounts allowing viewers to get up-to-the-minute breaking news alerts throughout the experience.

With the release of the CNN VR application, the news channel hopes to bring viewers more detail rich stories all within the comfort of their own home. With continued development in better technology, including cameras and displays, the VR newsroom experience is sure to develop even further into the future. Currently the CNN VR application is only available for the Oculus Rift via the Oculus Store but this is sure to reach out to other platforms in time, depending on the success of the Oculus release.

For more stories like this in the future, keep reading VRFocus.

CNNVR: Nachrichten-App für Oculus Rift im Oculus Store erschienen

Werbung für Virtual Reality Hygiene

Wir berichteten kürzlich über den Einstieg des amerikanischen Nachrichtensenders CNN in die VR mit ihrer eigenen VR-Journalismusabteilung CNNVR, die durch 360-Grad-Videos und Live-Streams für immersive Berichterstattungen sorgen. Jetzt veröffentlichte das Nachrichtenportal die für Oculus Rift optimierte gleichnamige VR-App CNNVR exklusiv im Oculus Store und bietet damit Zugang zu mehr als hundert 360-Grad-Videos und -Reportagen sowie zu einem virtuellen Newsticker.

CNNVR – VR-Nachrichten und 360-Grad-Videos aus der ganzen Welt für Oculus Rift

Der amerikanische Nachrichtensender CNN veröffentlichte seine VR-Nachrichten-App CNNVR in Kooperation mit dem VR-Studio Magnopus (bekannt für Coco VR und Blade Runner 2049: Memory Lab) exklusiv für Oculus Rift.

Die VR-App ist laut CNN die erste Live-VR-Nachrichtenerfahrung, die den Nutzern ermöglicht, ihre eigene virtuelle Nachrichtenumgebung zu erschaffen. Dafür bietet sie einen immersiven Newsticker zu internationalen Geschehnissen, damit Zuschauer stetig informiert über das Zeitgeschehen sind. Zudem wird der Twitter-Account von CNN stets in der virtuellen Umgebung angezeigt. Neben den neusten Schlagzeilen steht ebenso das aktuellste News-Video zur Verfügung.


Außerdem haben die Anwender die Möglichkeit, auf mehr als hundert 360-Grad-Videos und -Reportagen aus aller Welt zuzugreifen. Die Videos werden in 4K-Auflösung dargestellt und ermöglichen das hautnahe Miterleben der interessanten Geschichten und Fakten. Dafür greift CNN auf die Technologie der VR-Video-Plattform Pixvana zurück.

Die VR-App soll dafür sorgen, dass Nachrichten lebhafter und realistischer erlebt werden, erläuterte Jason Farkas in einem Interview im Oculus Blog. Er sieht die VR-Technologie als nächsten logischen Schritt in der Weiterentwicklung des Journalismus, um glaubhaftere Nachrichten und Geschichten zu vermitteln, die langfristig im Gedächtnis bleiben. Besonders für Berichte über Kriegs- und Armutsgebiete ist dies ein sinnvoller Schritt, um mehr Empathie, Verbundenheit und Verständnis zu erzeugen.

CNNVR ist kostenlos im Oculus Store für Oculus Rift erhältlich.

(Quellen: CNN | Oculus Blog | Video: CNNVR Youtube)

Der Beitrag CNNVR: Nachrichten-App für Oculus Rift im Oculus Store erschienen zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

CNN Announces Dedicated VR Unit CNNVR

Virtual reality (VR) is becoming an important outlet for a range of content, not just videogames, with social, teaching and more being experimented with. Another is news, with outlets such as The New York Times and CNN branching into the field with immersive reports and documentaries from around the world. Now the latter as announced CNNVR, a dedicated unit and platform from within CNN Digital.

With a global team with offices based in New York, Atlanta, London, Hong Kong, San Francisco, Dubai, Johannesburg, Tokyo, and Beijing, CNNVR aims to cover the latest news events in 360-degree video, so that users have a front row seat through VR live streams. The unit will also produce weekly immersive experiences, for the launch its created Go running with the bulls in Pamplona.

CNNVR Slides for PR

With the announcement CNNVR will also be making access to its content even easier, with support across a range of platforms. CNN’s iOS and Android apps now support 360-degree video, then there’s which showcases journeys to Indonesia, Tibet, Iraq and more. Lastly there’s CNNVR’s app for Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Rift and Google Daydream head-mounted displays (HMDs).

CNN has been involved with VR for quite some time, having created more than 50 news stories in 360-degree video. These have included the Syrian civil war, showcasing the devastation of Aleppo, collaborating with NextVR to live stream the Democratic presidential debate, as well as the U.S. Inauguration. For slightly lighter content viewers can also experience the thrill of skydiving. So far more than 30 million views of 360 content have been garned on Facebook alone, states the broadcaster.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of CNNVR, reporting back with the latest announcements.

CNN bringt jetzt Nachrichten in Virtual Reality

Vielleicht helfen 360-Grad-Videos ja gegen Fake News? Einer der größten Nachrichtensender der USA hat nun eine eigene Virtual-Reality-Nachrichteneinheit ins Leben gerufen. Dabei sollen durch CNN vermehrt 360-Grad-Videos veröffentlicht werden und Live-Streams in VR angeboten werden.

Virtual-Reality-Nachrichten mit CNNVR

CNN, dass seine VR-Journalismus-Truppe mit CNNVR betitelt hat, will dabei vor allem den Fokus auf Ereignisse legen, die die meisten Schlagzeilen produzieren. Aber auch eine wöchentliche Virtual-Reality-Sendung gehört zum Aufgabenbereich der VR-Journalisten. Bereits in der Vergangenheit konnte CNN Erfahrungen mit Virtual Reality machen. So wurden in den letzten Jahren bis zu 50 News-Stories in eigens produzierten 360-Grad-Videos veröffentlicht. Unterstützung holt man sich dabei noch dazu von den VR-Broadcastern von NextVR, die unter anderem auch die Basketball-Liga NBA oder die Tennis US-Open in VR übertragen.

CNN ist von VR überzeugt

Der Nachrichtensender CNN wurde von Medienunternehmer Ted Turner gegründet und zählt als Nummer Zwei unter den US-News-Sendern – hinter den konservativen Fox News. CNN ist nicht das erste Journalismus-Portal das auf VR setzt. Auch die Huffington Post oder The New York Time veröffentlichen regelmäßig VR-Content. Experten sind überzeugt, dass in Zukunft VR einen großen Einfluss auf das Darstellen von Nachrichten haben wird. CNN selbst befindet sich aktuell auf Kriegsfuss mit US-Präsident Donal Trump – nachdem der Sender ihm vorgeworfen hatte, offensichtlich falsche Angaben in der Öffentlichkeit zu machen. Trump warf den Medien daraufhin vor, Unwahrheiten zu berichten und erklärte sie zu „Feinden des Volkes“.

CNNVR Videos sind verfügbar für PC oder über die CNN App über iOS und Android mit der Samsung GearVR, Oculus Rift und Google Daydream abspielbar. CNNVRs erste Reportage dreht sich um das traditionelle Stierrennen in Pamplona in Spanien. Das VR-Video kann hier angesehen werden.

Der Beitrag CNN bringt jetzt Nachrichten in Virtual Reality zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!