Paper Beast’s Latest Trailer Showcases a new Sandbox Mode

As the months go by developer Pixel Reef is slowly revealing more of its strangely enchanting adventure Paper Beast. December saw new gameplay features arise, being able to manipulate the environment. Today, it’s the turn of a new sandbox mode to be revealed, giving players even greater scope to play with this malleable world.

Paper Beast

Just like any sandbox mode, the emphasis is on experimentation, allowing players to create their own virtual domains. From forming and manipulating the environment and influencing the weather to placing some of the 11 varieties of hybrid animal species, PlayStation VR players have full control.

Plants, geological elements and the sun are all available to interact with, important to consider when the behaviour of the creatures that inhabit Paper Beast are so intertwined with the elements.

“The Sandbox mode is the place for players’ creativity and experimentation,” says renowned game designer Eric Chahi in a statement. “Imagine creatures creating dams and diverting water, but what happens if you freeze the water? It’s up to you to find out. For our part, we’ve discovered a lot of emergent behaviour while playing. I’m sure the gaming community will surprise us!”
Paper Beast
The sandbox mode will be additional to the main story campaign, where players can uncover a non-verbal story told by the animals and environment, all made up of lost data. Environmental puzzles need to be solved using the manipulation techniques at hand, something VRFocus found when demoing Paper Beast during Gamescom 2019, finding the title instantly fascinating: “Paper Beast is a delight of design and imagination, beautiful to look and puzzling to experience. Hopefully, the final version will develop those interactive elements rather than purely being an elaborate art piece.”


Paper Beast is a PlayStation VR exclusive, scheduled to arrive in Q1 2020. The videogame was part of VRFocus‘ ‘Most Anticipated VR Games Coming in 2020‘ and promises to be one of the quirkier titles set to arrive this year. Paper Beast will make its North American demo debut at PAX East 2020 in Boston, from 27th Feb – 1st March. As further details are released such as the launch date, VRFocus will keep you updated.