This week has, but for a couple of exceptions been all about the (nearly) worldwide release of Sony Interactive Entertainment’s (SIE’s) PlayStation VR head-mounted display (HMD) so it only makes sense that as we round off the working week we begin Friday with a 360 degree video that’s also related to the PlayStation VR.
As it happens we’re back in the cybertank filled world of Rebellion Development’s Battlezone. A game which, if you’ve been following our features and PlayStation VR coverage over the last few months, you’ll know we’re rather keen on. In this video you’ll be climbing into the cockpit of one of Battlezone’s Cobra tanks and taking over the Command Deck as your vehicle is prepped for action. Be sure to have a good look around, there’s plenty to see – and if you do burst into flames, which I’m sure you won’t, there’s a fire extinguisher behind you on your left.
VRFocus will be back next week with more 360 degree video morning videos for you to see, but be sure to check up on us throughout today and the weekend for the latest virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) news.