Learn the Art of Dogfighting in Latest EVE: Valkyrie Trailer

With the launch of PlayStation VR yesterday PlayStation 4 owners now have the chance to dive into some dogfighting action on EVE: Valkyrie. CCP Games’ much vaunted space combat videogame originally launched on the Oculus Rift head-mounted display (HMD), so with the cross-play feature between the two headsets Rift owners have a bit of a head start. Not to worry though as the developer has created a video guide to dogfighting.

The video goes through the basics of staying alive when under fire and the best tactics for hunting down those pesky enemies.

EVE Valkyrie Screenshot

First and for most players need to take their time, a little planning goes along way. EVE: Valkyrie features a permanent forward motion system which can then be added to with a boost. This boost isn’t infinite and its likely quite a few players will use it to get straight into the action, but if they get in trouble the boost isn’t then available. The studio advises holding onto it until the last moment, when its most needed, so use that time to gauge the surroundings for cover. And if the craft is equipped with homing missiles this is a great time to unleash some carnage.

It then goes into some of the finer details of flight control, how combining braking, boosting, tight turning circles rather than wide sweeps and the selective use of cover can make all the difference.

Checkout the full video below to hone up your piloting skills, and for all the latest EVE: Valkyrie news, keep reading VRFocus.