The Official Trailer For Battlezone Has Been Released, and It Is Explosive

If you have been following the Battlezone coverage here at VRFocus you will already have a pretty good idea of what kind of title it is. Initially shown on Rebellion’s livestream last night, the launch trailer for the videogame – a launch title for the PlayStation VR head-mounted display (HMD) – has now been released on YouTube. With a healthy dose of action, lasers and rich futuristic landscapes.

There isn’t much in the way of difference between the footage previously shared, but as always it is a feast for the eyes. Starting off with the original footage of what the retro arcade Battlezone version looked like, it then descends into what the virtual reality (VR) version is all about – and what is a launch trailer without some very praising review quotes scattered throughout?


For more on the latest launch trailers for the PlayStation VR, as well as all the news, updates, and features in the world of VR, make sure to check back with VRFocus.