Virtual reality (VR) is a great way to train people up for events that aren’t frequent, such as attacks and fires, and that’s exactly what Fuel Tech has decided to work on to help the people of Houston train up to identify danger and escape routes.
The application is called Perservr, and it puts you into the position of entering a working environment where an argument is taking place. You then walk across to the conference room where they witness a shooting, and what you do next determines the outcome of your experience.
“We make it as immersive an experience as possible,” Fuel Tech CEO Oliver Diaz said in a report with ABC13. “And it’s done in the context of a work environment. We’ve had people grab their belts, reaching for a gun that wasn’t there,” he said. “We’ve had others literally hit the floor. It’s that real.”
“We can also tailor it to a client’s own workplace, by taking video and then adding the scenarios.
“There are dangers every day. We can do any application and not just active shooters, but any natural disaster situation we can recreate.”
Preservr is apparently in its last stages before it is ready to launch.
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