UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Takes a VR Tour of Saudi Arabia’s Capital

Virtual reality (VR) enthusiasts around the world have been taking immersive trips to far flung locations for awhile, and now the United Nations (UN) Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has been trying out the technology.

The Secretary General joined the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Permanent Representative to the U.N. H.E. Abduallah al-Mouallimi and the Mayor of Riyadh and President of the Arriyadh Development Authority (ADA), H.E. Ibrahim al Sultan, in touring the ‘A Day in Riyadh’ interactive exhibit at the UN headquarters in New York.

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

As part of the exhibit Ki-moon was given a demonstration of a VR tour of Saudi Arabia’s capital and met with Saudi students volunteering at the event, which took place last week.

Sponsored by the Arriyadh Development Authority, ‘A Day in Riyadh’ consisted of a series of workshops showcasing the urban, environmental, transportation, social and economic development of Riyadh.

“Riyadh has a moving story with its rich heritage that integrates architectural innovation with Saudi Arabia’s past,” said Dr. Mshari Al-Naim, Director of the Center of Urban Heritage at the Tourism General Assembly. “We are proud to have put Riyadh on the international map of architecture. The King Abdallah Historical Center in particular has become a very important architectural design renowned in the Arab world,”

One of the workshops focused on the participation of women in the development of the city. “Saudi women are making incredible progress” said Dr. Khawla Al Kuraya, the Director of the King Fahad National Center for Children’s Cancer and Research, and a Member of the Shura Council. “Riyadh’sdevelopment means more opportunities for Saudi women as the Kingdom’s economy moves away from oil. We are part of Vision 2030 which seeks to increase the percentage of women in the workforce. We will shatter existing stereotypes within the contours of our culture.”

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