Spain’s Entry into London Design Biennale to be Immersive Project VRPolis

Beginning this week in London, UK is the first ever London Design Biennale at Somerset House with a theme of ‘Utopia by Design’. 35 countries are participating in the three week event and Spain will be entering “VRPolis. Diving into the Future”.

Created by Dímelo a mí Productions, curated by Maite Cantón, with support from  the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Spain, the Santander City Hall, Viesgo and HTC Vive, the project has been designed to offer a virtual “realistic utopia” of the capital city of Cantabria in one hundred years.

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Modelled on the city of Santander, various locations were filmed in 360-degrees then reconstructed in 3D, the team then transformed them into the futuristic city vision. The final result will be showcased on the HTC Vive head-mounted display (HMD) at the Spanish stand for visitors to experience a utopian city where technology, quality of life standards and a healthy environment coexist, all the while caring for natural resources and optimizing green energy sources, imagining a society completely free of fossil fuel.

Those involved in the building the project also included the Official Architects School of Cantabria (COACAN); InMediaStudio, a creative company specialising in the creation of immersive experiences and audio-visual 360º techniques; and architect and set designer María Levene.

The London Design Biennale runs from 7th – 27th September 2016 with tickets and further information available at the official website. For all the latest VR news, keep reading VRFocus.